Sunday 10 July 2011

Genre Music Video Analysis

Genre is content, sound and image. It also links with Strucure like the lyrics and style.  Also genre catogories dictate textual characteristics

Genre and Representation
Tend to reinforce domiance
  • Hegemonic values
  • Audience
  • Musical genres create audiences expectations
  • Mode of Address
Anaysis of a music video
Narrative structure
Place and role of artist
Function like a mini film (Eminem-Stan)
Artist as character of narrative

Chorus can dictate visuals-Repitition

Anaylysis of Eminems video Stan
  • Looks like a mini film.
  • Chorus always go back to Didos lyrics. Shows her as the victim-Feminist.
  • Mix of genres-rap and romantic ballad
  • Looks like a horror film (heavy rain, lightening, mirror shot)
  • Shows Eminems stardom. Video potrays him as sensible and a good person
  • 'Your picture on my wall' lyrics in song. Potrays Stan like he is obsessed with his idol and not his own lover.
  • Diegetic sound (screaming, weather)
  • Although Eminem is shows as a good person, he seems a little homophobic.

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